Self-Host a Burla Cluster
Where can I deploy my Burla Cluster?
Burla is built to be self-hosted in the cloud, and is currently GCP-only. We fully intend to support AWS, Azure, and on-prem deployments, but don't yet. E-mail if you're an AWS/Azure shop and are really interested in Burla, We give access to private Burla instances hosted in our cloud for select users.
How do I install Burla in my GCP Project?
First, ensure gcloud
is installed and configured correctly:
is installed and configured correctly:If you haven't yet, install the gcloud CLI, and login using application-default credentials.
Also, ensure gcloud
is pointing at the project you wish to install Burla inside:
To view your current project run:
gcloud config get project
To change your current project run:
gcloud config set project <desired-project-id>
Then deploy Burla with:
pip install burla
burla install
That's it!
Burla install requires that your user account have permission to run the following commands:
gcloud run deploy ...
gcloud firestore databases create ...
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ...
gcloud services enable ...
If you're missing any permissions, burla install
will tell you which ones you still need.
Once installed, point your client at your new burla cluster by setting the enviroinment variable BURLA_API_URL
to the URL of the cloud run service that was just deployed.
The burla install
command will print this URL as well a short quickstart when finished.
Questions? Schedule a call with us, or email We're always happy to talk.
Last updated