

Run an arbitrary python function on many remote computers at the same time. Click here for API-Documentation.

Basic use:

remote_parallel_map requires two arguments:

# Arg 1: Any python function.
def my_function(my_input):
    return my_input * 2

# Arg 2: List of inputs for `my_function`.
my_inputs = [1, 2, 3]

Then remote_parallel_map can be called like:

from burla import remote_parallel_map

outputs = remote_parallel_map(my_function, my_inputs)


When run, remote_parallel_map will call my_function, on every object in my_inputs, at the same time, each on a separate CPU in the cloud.

In under 1 second, the three function calls are made simultaneously: my_function(1) , my_function(2), my_function(3)

Stdout produced on the remote machines is streamed back to the client (your machine). The return values of each function are also collected and sent back to the client. The following displays in the client's terminal:

[2, 4, 6]

In the above example, each function call would have been made inside a separate container, each with their own isolated filesystem.

Other arguments:

remote_parallel_map has a few optional arguments, see API-Reference for the full API-doc.


The func_cpu and func_ram arguments can be used to assign more resources to each individual function call, up to 32 CPUs and 128G of RAM per function call.

max_parallelism can be used to limit the number of function calls running at the same time. By default, the cluster will execute as many parallel functions as possible given the resources it has. Our free public Burla cluster is configured to run 256 CPUs, allowing up to 256 function calls at the same time, however this can be increased if self-hosting.

spinner can be used to turn off the spinner, which also displays status messages from the cluster, like the state of the current job.

api_key exists so users can call remote_parallel_map inside deployment environments where burla login cannot be run. To get an API key send us an email: jake@burla.dev.


We're actively working to improve / reduce / eliminate the limitations listed below. The order in which we do this is determined by you! If one limitation in particular is blocking you, tell us! on our discord, in a meeting, or over email (jake@burla.dev).

  • Maximum size of all inputs combined can be no larger than 84.8MB

  • Maximum number of parallel function calls: 256

  • Maximum number of inputs: ~5,000,000

  • Maximum number of CPUs per function call: 32

  • Maximum RAM per function call: 128G

  • Average e2e runtime for a function with small inputs: ~1.5s

  • uneven/inflexible distribution of inputs between nodes can sometimes cause long runtimes.

  • no GPU support (yet).

  • unable to specify OCI/Docker containers on a per-request basis.


Burla's major components are split across 4 separate directories in the Burla GitHub repository.

  1. Burla

    The python package (the client).

  2. main_service

    Service representing a single cluster, manages nodes, routes requests to node_services.

  3. node_service

    Service running on each node, manages containers, routes requests to container_services.

  4. container_service

    Service running inside each container, executes user submitted functions.

How does it work?

This section is intentionally kept brief because Burla is still early and constantly changing.

When the cluster starts:

A cluster spec exists somewhere (changing constantly) that defines:

  • The number & types of VMs to have running/waiting for requests.

  • The OCI containers & amount to have ready to serve requests inside each VM.

When remote_parallel_map is called:

The client concurrently:

  • Begins uploading inputs into a distributed message queue.

  • Tells the main_service that a job is starting.

The main_service then tells the correct number of compatible node_services, to start work on a particular job. Each node service then, in parallel, forwards this request to the correct number of compatible container_services (workers). And, at the same time, kills any containers that are incompatible/ not needed for the current request.

As soon as the container_services are aware of what job they're working on, two things happen:

  • Workers start popping/processing inputs from the input queue.

  • The client receives a 200 response from the main_service telling it that the workers have started.

Once this happens the client immediately begins listening to two other distributed message queues:

  • one streaming log messages (stdout/stderr) from workers back to the client.

  • another streaming objects returned by the UDF (user defined function) back to the client.

The client listens to these streams until it has one return value for every input the user provided. As the client receives return values it yields them to the user through a generator.

If the job takes a while the client sends health-check pings to the main_service, which propagates them to node_services, which propagate them to all container_services. These pings make sure that all workers are still working on the correct job and none of the services have stopped responding.

While the job is running every individual node is watching the results stream, constantly checking if the number of results is the same as the number of inputs. Once this is true, the node reboots itself, starting all the containers it's supposed to be keeping warm as defined in the cluster spec.

Any Questions?

Schedule a call with us! We're always happy to talk face to face.

Last updated